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Wespath Ranked in Top 4% of Global Asset Owners for Climate Change Investment Activity

April 25, 2017
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Wespath Investment Management (Wespath), the investments division of Wespath Benefits and Investments, ranked among the top 4% of the world’s largest 500 asset owners (19th globally and 3rd in the United States) in the Asset Owner Disclosure Project’s (AODP) Global Climate 500 Index. AOPD ranked the world’s 500 largest asset owners based on how they manage climate risk and invest in low-carbon solutions.

Other ranking highlights include:

  • AA rating—AODP rated Wespath’s activities AA, placing us in the ‘Leaders’ category. Only 29 asset owners received a rating of AAA or AA (rating bands span from D for a ‘Bystander’ to the strongest rating of AAA).
  • #5 globally for Governance and Strategy—Wespath ranked in the top 1% of global asset owners for the structure and approach we use to oversee climate risk objectives, and the degree of integration of climate risk principles into our policies and processes.
  • #10 globally for Portfolio Risk Management—Wespath ranked in the top 2% of global asset owners for the way we evaluate and manage climate change-related financial risk and opportunities.

“We are pleased to be recognized by AODP as global leaders in climate change-related investment activities,” said Dave Zellner, Wespath’s Chief Investment Officer. “We have long viewed climate change as a material investment risk that must be managed. We do this by urging companies and policymakers to create more sustainable practices—an activity we have undertaken for over two decades—and by seeking investment opportunities in companies that will benefit from the transition to a low-carbon economy.”
